(866) 449-1882
(614) 635-8672
3455 Mill Run Dr #101
Hilliard, OH 43026

How strong is your team?

  Is your HR team being stretched too thin?  Whether you need to outsource your entire HR department or just need help with an upcoming project. The HR Team at Simplifi HR Solutions can build a solution tailored to your business. Call or email CEO, Tim Reed...

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6 Most common reasons companies outsource.

Do you ever wake up in the morning and instantly become overwhelmed with the million items that you have to check off your “to do” list for the day? If your answer is yes, then you may want to take alittle time to hear how Simplifi HR Solutions can help eliminate some...

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Say goodbye to your payroll headaches

Processing payroll on a regular basis can be a common source for headaches. Not to mention, administering payroll in-house can be timely and pricey. For many small to mid-sized companies outsourcing the payroll function can be a valuable alternative. Simplifi HR...

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Hire, train, retain

We all know  the feeling when we have an opening we need to fill in a short period of time...STRESS!!! More than likely you are the only person trying to weed through 200 plus resumes and maybe only 25-50 will be close to being qualified. Once you have climbed the...

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Overwhelmed? 5 Business Tasks to Outsource.

The day to day tasks of an HR department can be all consuming and leave very little time for strategic planning. Simplifi HR Solutions gives valuable time back to your team by reducing or even eliminating their administrative burden, allowing you to get back to...

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